Saturday, May 19, 2007

Putting peices together...

So we bought the plane tickets and we're getting things together. I am working on collecting more kid's songs to jam with the kids this summer :) If you can flash back and remember any oldy but goody songs that would be fun to sing with the kiddos let me know. The theme we decided on for the summer will center around Ephesians chapter 6 in the Bible. This chapter is about putting on the armor of God. It mentions 6 pieces of armor each of which will be the theme for a week of the six weeks of camp. We will incorporate the verses and theme in the English curriculum, songs, and so on. It is exciting to see things coming together. Some of my friends are helping me collect crafts and game ideas and materials. I am so grateful for their help! Please pray for us as we get things together. Pray for safety and for the hearts of the little ones. I just want to go and serve and love on them. They deserve it! I am so thankful for this opportunity.

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