Friday, June 22, 2007

goodbyes and snafoos

I was in Indy Wednesday to pack up all the crafts and t-shirts that my friends put together. It was a great time. We spent time praying and the group put together a scrap book for me with pictures and notes that touched my heart.

Today we have encountered our first snag on this adventure...and we haven't even gotten to the airport :) YIKES! We found out through an email from Haiti that there is a bag embargo which restricts us from taking more than 2 seventy pound checked bags from Miami into Port au Prince. NOT GOOD since I alone have 4 bags to check full of crafts, games, prizes, and camp t-shirts. Keri and I are looking into dispersing out 7 check bags out to other volunteers who will be coming early in the summer. Please be praying that this will go smoothly in the three days or so we have to get this taken care of. Also, that my guitar will fit in the overhead compartment and be allowed (as they say it is) as a carry on. Ahh, and the challenges begin. We trust that God has complete power and control over every detail and we rest in that. If we must, we will sing His praises without the guitar...and the sweet voices of the children will be heard.

Now...I'm off until Haiti...

1 comment:

Mom said...

I received an email from Sara this evening saying she has arrived in Haiti safely!! :) Due to a "computer snafoo" she may not be able to post on her blog as often as she had planned for the first few weeks. But all is well and she is expecting to have a great summer.