Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Selling and Moving

With the help of my good friend Rochelle and the donations of several others the yard sale was a huge success this past weekend! We raised a good deal of money for Haiti and I couldn't be more happy about it. I sold all of most of my stuff with the exception of a couple peices of furniture that are family heirlooms. It feels freeing to simplify and get rid of stuff. Things are moving right along...literally...I moved what is left of my stuff to my parent's house and am working on finding places to stash and store it all. Fun Fun.

The picture below is Rochelle preping some of the crafts she is putting together for English camp. She and I cut material to make belts this summer with the kids for a craft. Speaking of crafts, I am headed back down to Indy one last time Wednesday to get together with friends to pack up all the crafts, games and other prizes and things that they have been working on. We will eat some food, pack the suitcases and spend some time in prayer.


Jonathan Erdman said...

Awesome! Great to hear!

I hope you get the opportunity to blog while in Haiti.

Sara said...

Hey Jon. It appears you are the only person who is a real blogger in my world, at least the only one who feels the need to comment. I hope the internet connection is strong in Haiti so I can keep this up too.

So, i had a chance to skim through your blogs tonight. Oh the depths of Jon...I feel a bit philosophically elementary to even comment on most of them. But, I would love to take time to read some of your work/writing some day. I like to challenge my cognitive capacities and I'm sure they would. Would love to just chat about some of these things with you sometime. I am a huge fan of the topic of authenticity; easy to talk about...scary to do...oh the vulnerability, we hate it yet we crave it.

Anyway...you asked how I liked the video last Sunday. Well, i pretty much loved it! I had that lump in my throat experience just before you cry. What a picture of God and Christ and His sovereignty. Love it! I could go on...but I need to get some sleep tonight. One more day at home then the adventure begins. I would really appreciate your prayers and the prayers of the LINK. Thanks