Sunday, June 10, 2007

Moving, Packing, and Leaving the Country

So this is my last week in the "big city" (Indy). I am packing up the apartment, having a big garage sale on Friday and Saturday (15th) to sell most of my stuff, and moving back to Milford until I leave for Haiti. I fly to Haiti on Tuesday June 26th. Things are coming together. T-shirts for English camp are ready to be printed, crafts and games are being prepared and packed, and I am practicing all the childrens songs I can think of on the guitar :) I am wondering how in the world I will carry three or more 50 pound suitcases and a guitar through the airport, but it will have to be done. That will be a sight. I worked my last day at the Psych Hospital Friday. I am glad to be done with all that!! WOWZA! Just a little update for those of you who are a little behind. I will be in Haiti for 7 weeks this summer. I will be working with Heartline Minitries to teach english to about 50 kiddos. Check out my first blog to find their website. I don't have much of a plan for when I return mid August which is a freeing feeling but a bit scary. 26 and moving back with the parents...hmmm. I am thankful for parents who don't freak out about stuff like that. I trust that God knows what He is doing here. I know there is a purpose to the madness and instability. I will embrace it.
For those friends of mine who are wondering about this whole "armor of God" theme we will be using this summer in Haiti i will explain a bit further. I think the main idea here in using this is to introduce the children not only to the english language but also to their creator God and the power that He holds in this world. There is a spiritual component in Haitian culture (mainly voodoo related) that can be oppressive and create fear. Part of what I would love to do this summer is to empower young minds practically with English but also with a spiritual power. How this will all take place?? Well, we will have short 10-15 minute lessons and 10-15 minutes of songs to start every day at camp. I will be playing my guitar and leading songs and many of the lessons with the help of my friend Keri and our other leader Lisa. We will integrate the theme into the English lessons, games, and crafts. Please pray for a spiritual awakening to God's power, freedom and joy in such a desparate nation. Post a comment if you have questions. Thanks for the prayers and support.

1 comment:

Jonathan Erdman said...

I think God's plans for you have to do with four little letters. I will scramble them below and let you put them together:

N, K, L, I

I'll give you a small hint!

Aside from the technical difficulties, what did you think about the movie on Sunday?