Saturday, July 21, 2007

What a week!!

So, at some point I lost count, but I am pretty sure that there were about 28 people living in this house this week; 5 sleeping in my room and 8 or more sharing our bathroom. Oy! I felt the most clean and fresh this week after showering out back with the yard hose. I just took my soap and shampoo on out there and went to town :) It was actually pretty fun.
Interesting story...this week a neighbor lady near the orphanage had a baby. The woman and her other 3 children are sqwatters in an abandoned house there. She delivered the baby alone in the home. One of the women here this week is a nurse so she went to see her and helped her clean and cut the umbilical cord. Keri and I actually sanitized a pair of kitchen scissors and she used those to cut the cord. HHMMMM. Unbelievable. The woman sells underwear and bras for a living on the streets so many of the women living here went over and we bought underwear and bras from her. NOt sure I'll ever wear mine but it was fun.
Something I forgot last week that kind of gives glimpse of the poverty. We were making "breastplates of righteousness" out of paper grocery bags with the kids and one of them starts to cry hysterically. She said, "please don't cut my bag, I want to take it home and use it"...a paper sack. Luckily, thanks to all the hard work of my friends at home, we had enough bags to let her take one home and also make the craft. She was so so happy.
Spiritually, this week and the end of last have been encouraging. One of my boys (Junior) said he was thankful that "God has made his heart happy". One child said that since he has come to understand God and his relationship with Him he is no longer "scared at night". One of my girls (Came-Suze) said that she has prayed many times but a few days ago was the first time she had every prayed to ask/accept Jesus into her life. Probably my favorite part of camp is working with my class on memorizing Ephesians 6:10-20. We are through verse 13. The kids are so excited about it and practically scream when reciting it. Just close your eyes and imagine the children yelling out together "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power....) It is a beautiful sound. He is writing the Word on their precious hearts!


erkaboom said...

dear sara - i have been waiting, oh have i been waiting, for this very blog!!! oh dear ... there are tears in my eyes. only in haiti - only in haiti would these amazing things happen! the woman with the baby story is amazing ... i will be sure to pray for her and her family ... i'm sorry i missed that excitement! and i'm curious - who was the girl who didn't want to part with her bag? i miss you all SOOO very much .. and please give Evans/Gibson some love for me on monday ... my thoughts and prayers are almost constantly with you all!

Sara said...

Hey Erika...good to hear from you. we miss you a lot here. You brought a special brightness to this place. I think it was either Farrah or Mistana who said that about the bags. I will give Gibson and Evans huge hugs for you. Thanks for all your prayers. You really should consider coming back for the whole summer next year. You have a gift with these kids!